

Shohei Ohtani’s Interview at Dodgers Fan Fest 2025


Introduction: Shohei Ohtani, the superstar baseball player of the Los Angeles Dodgers, attended the “Dodgers Fan Fest 2025” on February 1, 2025. He shared his thoughts about the past season, his future goals, and his experience with fans. Below is a transcript of his interview in English.

Interviewer: Last season was a great success for the Dodgers. How do you feel about it?

Ohtani: I am very happy that we won last year, and I am even happier that I could share that joy with the fans. I hope we can do the same at least nine more times during my contract with the Dodgers. That would be the best outcome.

Interviewer: You had to evacuate your home because of the wildfire. Can you tell us about that experience?

Ohtani: Yes, my wife, my dog Deco, and I had to leave our house in the middle of the night. Our safety was the most important thing, so we quickly packed our things and evacuated. It was a tough situation, but I am grateful that we are safe now.

Interviewer: What are your thoughts on Roki Sasaki, the Japanese pitcher who might join the Dodgers in the future?

Ohtani: I really support his success, and if he chooses the Dodgers, that would be amazing. He is a great pitcher, and I hope we can play together in the future.

Interviewer: How was your first Spring Training with the Dodgers last year?

Ohtani: It was very exciting for me because everything was new. I met many great teammates, and I enjoyed every moment. It was a fresh and fun experience.

Interviewer: What are your goals for this season?

Ohtani: I am really looking forward to this season. I want to contribute to the team and give my best performance. I am very excited to play again.

Conclusion: Shohei Ohtani’s interview showed his passion for baseball and his appreciation for the fans. He is eager to continue winning and making great memories with the Dodgers. His words inspire both baseball players and fans around the world.



Introduction: Shohei Ohtani, the superstar baseball player of the Los Angeles

Dodgers, attended the “Dodgers Fan Fest 2025” on February 1, 2025. He shared his

thoughts about the past season, his future goals, and his experience with fans. Below

is a transcript of his interview in English.



概要: ロサンゼルス・ドジャースのスーパースター選手である大谷翔平が、2025年の2月1日に開催された「ドジャースファンフェスト2025」に参加しました。違いがあるとかこれまでの話と未来の目標、そしてファンとの交流について語りました。以下には、英語に翻訳されたインタビューの記録を掲載します。

Interviewer: Last season was a great success for the Dodgers. How do you feel about it?

インタビュアー: 昨年のドジャースの成功について、どう感じていますか?

Ohtani: I am very happy that we won last year, and I am even happier that I could

share that joy with the fans. I hope we can do the same at least nine more times

during my contract with the Dodgers. That would be the best outcome.

大谷: 昨年勝つことができて嬉しいです。そして、その喜びをファンと共有できたことはもっと嬉しいです。この契約中に、この喜びを少なくとも9回も共有できると最高ですね。

Interviewer: You had to evacuate your home because of the wildfire.

Can you tell us about that experience?

インタビュアー: 野火で家を避難せざるを得なかったという件について語ってください。

Ohtani: Yes, my wife, my dog Deco, and I had to leave our house in the middle of the night.

Our safety was the most important thing, so we quickly packed our things

and evacuated. It was a tough situation, but I am grateful that we are safe now.

大谷: はい、私の妻と犬のデコと一緒に夜中に避難しました。一番大切なのは安全だと思ったので、すぐに必要な物を持って避難しました。大変な状況でしたが、無事でよかったです。

Interviewer: What are your thoughts on Roki Sasaki,

the Japanese pitcher who might join the Dodgers in the future?

インタビュアー: 将来的にドジャースに入る可能性がある日本人投手、佐々木朗希選手についてどう思いますか?

Ohtani: I really support his success, and if he chooses the Dodgers, that would be amazing.

He is a great pitcher, and I hope we can play together in the future.

大谷: 彼の成功を心から応援していますし、もしドジャースを選んでくれたら素晴らしいことですね。彼は素晴らしい投手なので、将来的に一緒にプレーできたら嬉しいです。

Interviewer: How was your first Spring Training with the Dodgers last year?

インタビュアー: 昨年のドジャースでの最初のスプリングトレーニングはどうでしたか?

Ohtani: It was very exciting for me because everything was new.

I met many great teammates, and I enjoyed every moment.

It was a fresh and fun experience.

大谷: すべてが新しくて、とてもワクワクしました。素晴らしいチームメートと出会えましたし、一瞬一瞬を楽しみました。とても新鮮で楽しい経験でした。

Interviewer: What are your goals for this season?

インタビュアー: 今シーズンの目標は何ですか?

Ohtani: I am really looking forward to this season.

I want to contribute to the team and give my best performance.

I am very excited to play again.

大谷: 今シーズンがとても楽しみです。チームに貢献して、最高のパフォーマンスを見せたいと思っています。再びプレーできることにワクワクしています。

Conclusion: Shohei Ohtani’s interview showed his passion for baseball

and his appreciation for the fans. He is eager to continue winning

and making great memories with the Dodgers.

His words inspire both baseball players and fans around the world.

結論: 大谷翔平のインタビューからは、彼の野球に対する情熱とファンへの感謝が伝わってきました。彼はこれからも勝利を目指し、ドジャースで素晴らしい思い出を作ることに意欲的です。その言葉は、世界中の野球選手やファンにとって大きな励みとなるでしょう。

The Benefits of Learning English Through Interesting Topics


Learning English can sometimes feel like a challenge,

but choosing topics that interest you can make the process much more enjoyable

and effective. Whether it’s sports, music, movies,

or any other subject you love, incorporating your passions

into language learning has numerous benefits.



1. Increased Motivation

1. モチベーションの向上

When you study English using content that excites you, you naturally feel more engaged and eager to learn. For example, if you’re a baseball fan, reading interviews with Shohei Ohtani in English can make studying feel less like a chore and more like an enjoyable activity.


2. Improved Comprehension

2. 理解力の向上

If you already have background knowledge of a topic, understanding English content related to it becomes easier. You can guess the meaning of new words based on context, which strengthens your vocabulary and comprehension skills.


3. Practical Language Use

3. 実践的な言語の活用

Learning from real-world content, such as interviews, articles, and videos, exposes you to natural expressions and vocabulary that native speakers use. This helps you sound more fluent and confident in conversations.


4. Long-Term Retention

4. 長期的な記憶定着

Studies show that we remember information better when it is personally meaningful. If you study English through subjects you love, you’re more likely to retain new words and phrases for a longer time.


5. Enjoyable Learning Experience

5. 楽しい学習体験

When you combine language learning with your hobbies, the process becomes fun. Watching movies, listening to music, or reading about your favorite sports players in English can make studying feel like entertainment rather than work.




Learning English through interesting topics not only makes studying more enjoyable but also enhances motivation, comprehension, and retention. Find a topic that excites you and start incorporating English into your daily life—you’ll be surprised at how quickly you improve!



